European Commission approves Greek auction scheme for renewable electricity

The European Commission has inspected a Greek auction scheme providing a state support for the production of electricity from renewable sources and high efficiency cogeneration, and found it to be in line with EU State aid rules.


The scheme will help to achieve energy and climate goals whilst preserving competition. Greece plans to bring down costs for renewable energy with competitive auctions. Auctions whose participants (developers) compete to be awarded contracts, have recently replaced purchasing prices for renewable energy in a growing number of countries.

In 2018, Greece will organise separate auctions for wind and solar power plants in order to determine their market potential. As of 2019, joint auctions for both wind and solar projects will be organized. State support for other renewable energy technologies will be subject to auctions as soon as they reach certain share in the Greek electricity market. Greece will evaluate the auction scheme in 2020.

In EU, the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020 are valid. The Guidelines require competitive auctions for renewables support since 1 January 2017, so as to ensure that the use of public funds is limited to the minimum and there is no overcompensation.


Article source Europa - Official website of the European Union
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