Regulators from V4 countries agreed on cooperation during the Energy Union implementation

On Monday, 27 July 2015, a joint working meeting of the representatives of the energy regulators from the Visegrad four (V4) countries took place in Bratislava.  The meeting participants support the project of the Energy Union, provided the following conditions are complied with: full implementation of the Third Energy Package, preservation of the sovereignty of the Member States in their choice of energy mix, strengthening of the security of supply through promoting cross-border electricity and  gas interconnections at effectively spent costs, creation of the room for low carbon technologies (preservation of nuclear power) with the aim of increasing European industry´s competitiveness, strengthening of the role of the national regulatory authorities.

At the beginning of the meeting all the participants appreciated good results of such past coordination meetings of the national regulators of V4 countries which resulted in the common V4 approach towards international institutions, including the European Commission. The meetings participants declared that their cooperation is not beneficial only due to the mutual exchange of information, data and experience, but its greatest benefit lies in a common approach in dealing with issues that are transnational in nature.


Article source Energy Regulatory Office - Czech Energy Regulatory Office
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