Russia must not be allowed to use energy as a weapon

G7 energy ministers met in Rome to plan how to reduce dependency on gas from Russia. Russia has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine, citing billions of dollars in unpaid bills, and has warned this would threaten gas supplies to Europe. About a third of European gas comes from Russia, and half of that passes through the Ukraine.

UK’s energy minister Ed Davey said that “support is being considered to help [Ukraine] pay those bills” but accused Russia of adding to the bills “completely outrageously”.

After previous crises Europe has returned to “business as usual”. Ed Davey said: “This time we can’t do that.” "We have to put in place a long term plan to gradually reduce European dependency on gas imports from Russia.”

Mr Davey said Europe would continue to trade with Russia but must also diversify energy sources.


Article source - common website of the British newspapers The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph
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