New Way of Converting Magnetic Energy To Electric Power

InventorOne-The Andrew Abolafia Co., a business located in Granville, NY, the U.S., has discovered that there are large amounts of intrinsic energy stored in certain types of permanent magnets. Its innovation makes the extraction of that energy practical and cost effective. The patented Static Field Converter extracts that energy and converts it to electric power. The amount of stored energy contained in certain types of permanent magnets and the ease of obtaining it make permanent magnets useful as a large and long lasting source of energy. The cost of extracting and converting the energy using the Static Field Converter is orders lower than the cost of the acquisition and conversion of energy using the conventional methods. The Static Field Converter is independent of additional fuel sources and equipment.

Electricity can electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen. The Static Field Converter can make this process economically viable. Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels, without pollution, in most combustion processes. The innovation has been studied extensively. A working prototype has been built and tested.


Article source ElectricNet - information source for electrical power professionals
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