Iran wants to negotiate with Russia about additional reactors

Former Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi has returned to the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) as its head. He will soon lead negotiations with Russia on the potential supply of new nuclear reactors, set to begin once Bushehr power plant is handed over.  The AEOI is responsible for all nuclear development in Iran.

Russia completed the reactor at Bushehr within pre-existing buildings and using components kept in storage since a Siemens-led construction project was halted in 1979. The reactor started up last year and has been generating at full power since late July. Russian operators are gradually handing over responsibility to AEOI. Once this process is complete, Rosatom said, more serious negotiations on further new units could begin. The AEOI has said that it would like to build up to three more large power reactors at the Bushehr site.

Nuclear fuel for Bushehr - including uranium mining, enrichment and fuel fabrication - is provided by Russia, where the fuel will return after use.


Article source World Nuclear Association (WNA) - international organization promoting nuclear energy
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