Russian utilities use 3M technology to boost transmission lines capacity

Vologda TPP and Vologdaenergo are two of Russian energy companies that have decided to increase the capacity of transmission lines using 3M ACCR (Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced) technology.


The ACCR technology increased 2.5-fold the capacity of a double 110kV line between the new combined cycle power plant and Vologdaenergo transmission network. 3M Russiareceived a recommendation from the United Energy Systems of Russia, which consider 3M technology as reliable and efficient, a technology with a fast return of investment costs. Most installations of the new technology are in the United States. Russia is on second place.

3M’s innovation is the ACCR conductor’s core, which is composed of aluminum oxide fibers embedded in high-purity aluminum. The result is a lightweight, low-sag conductor that can carry up to twice the current of conventional steel-core conductors of the same diameter. The wire is also very durable.


Article source ElectricNet - information source for electrical power professionals
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