Eltel gained two major orders from the Polish transmission grid operator


Eltel gained two orders for the reconstruction of high-voltage substations owned by PSE S.A. which operates the Poland’s transmission system. Projects worth approximately EUR 25 million are located in Jasiniec and Joachimow regions.

In Jasiniec, the 220/110 kV substation will be reconstructed and a new 400 kV part will be added. In Joachimow, the 400/220 kV substation will be reconstructed. Both projects will be started in 2016. The Jasiniec project should be finished by the end of 2019 and the Joachimow project at the beginning of 2019.

Projects awarded to Eltel are part of a huge investment programme of PSE which plans to build 1770 kilometres of new 400 kV and 220 kV overhead lines, and upgrade 200 km of 400 kV and 1220 km of 220 kV existing lines. PSE needs to increase the transmission system capacity and connect new energy sources.


Article source ElectricNet - information source for electrical power professionals
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